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Mariana Fabbiani started her 9th edition of DDM

El diario de Mariana is back to the afternoons of America TV with changes in its panel, with information, current events, news and the topics of interest that matter most to people.

“How nice to meet you again. I´m happy to be with you, we are going to be here every afternoon with the issues that matter to you and those that should also matter to you.”

Mariana Fabbiani opened the 9th season of her classic DDM with the joy and personality that characterizes her to address current issues in her special summer schedule.

Mariana welcomed her team, this season conformed by : Mariano Yezze, Martín Candalaft, Andrea Taboada, Pepe Ochoa and the new incorporation of Mauricio D’Alessandro and Julieta Cayetina.

DDM is a production of Mandarina Contenidos for América TV.